Sleep Soundly with CPAP Machines: Your Guide to Treatment and Equipment Options

One of the most popular sleep apnea treatments is a CPAP machine at Home at night. So that you can get the oxygen you need for optimum function while you sleep, it maintains your airways open.

Albert T (Medical Equipment Manager, Bengaluru)

CPAP Machines are available for rental and Sale, and you can use them for a month in rental a Purchase as per your comfort. CPAP is used to treat Sleep Apnea.

Sleep Apnea – It’s a condition where respiration constantly stops and starts during sleep, And is a potentially dangerous sleep condition. Obesity and aging are risk factors. Symptoms include loud snoring and feeling exhausted after a full night’s sleep.

Sleep Studies at Home or Hospital can help diagnose the Severity of Sleep Apnea and the best treatment.

Treatment frequently entails modifying one’sone’s way of life, such as losing weight and sleeping with a breathing machine like a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine.

CPAP-One of the most popular sleep apnea treatments is a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine at Home at night. So that you can get the oxygen you need for optimum function while you sleep, it maintains your airways open. Using a CPAP machine at Home on rent or Sale can greatly enhance sleep quality and lower your chance of developing certain diseases, such as heart disease and stroke.

How Does CPAP Machine Works?

Sleep apnea is treated with CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) equipment. CPAP has tubing, and this gadget continuously pumps compressed air into a mask that you wear to sleep.

Type of Sleep Apnea and Treatment

Obstructive and central forms of sleep apnea are both treated with CPAP equipment. Your breathing is obstructed when you sleep in both disorders. As a result of the lack of oxygen and increased risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other health issues can happen hundreds of times in a single night; by continuously supplying air through your mouth and nose, a CPAP machine at Home at night aids in maintaining the health of your airways.

Types of CPAP Machines as per Patient Condition:

A CPAP machine is one kind of PAP (positive airway pressure) gadget. There are several sorts of these machines. The CPAP is the most used. These consist of the following:

Servo-ventilation that adapts (ASV)

ASV, which is only prescribed to those with central sleep apnea, keeps your airway open by forcing a breath when it’sit’s needed.

Bi-Level PAP 

This equipment uses one pressure during breathing and the other during exhalation.


Open airways to maintain this gadget self-regulate by utilizing a variety of pressures.

Various Masks for CPAP

A few distinct kinds of masks are readily available for home usage. Your level of comfort, your breathing patterns, and the type of sleep apnea you have will determine which is ideal for you.

Nose mask

This alternative hides your nose. A nasal mask is frequently advised for those who move about a lot while they sleep.

Nasal pillow mask

A pillow for the nose. A nasal pillow mask covers the area around your nostrils, not your entire nose. Additionally, some choices feature prongs that go inside your nostrils. It is comfortable for people to wear their glasses while wearing nasal cushion masks.

Complete Face mask

This triangle-shaped mask covers your mouth and nose. A complete mask is recommended for those who breathe using their mouth while sleeping. If you have a nasal obstruction, your doctor might suggest this mask.

Various CPAP Machines available in India

Resmed Airsense 10 Tripack Autoset CPAP Machine. …

Oxymed Auto CPAP Machine. …

BMC RESmart GII Auto CPAP With Humidifier (G2) …

Deckmount VT50 (AFlex) Auto CPAP Machine. …

Resmed AirStart 10 Auto CPAP Machine. …

BPL Harmony Auto CPAP Machine.


Albert T

Equipment Manager, Bengaluru

Albert T is a medical Equipment professional with 8+ years’ experience. He has done his BBA from Bangalore University.